Kindle Fire Root & Troubleshooting with Superuser

This weekend i have another challenge about kindle troubleshooting. There are many request from my readers about making kindle fire root tutorials. Actually already many tutorials on the internet about how to do the rooting , but i still wrote to respect them. Amazon Kindlefire and Kindle Fire HD are still rare device in my country, so if we have an error kindle fire that can still booting again, we must return it to their home country and will need quite a long time to repair. Okay, now lets go to the way of rooting kindle fire. Make sure your kindle fire is in normal condition, not a broken or crushed one. Based on the lesson after i read some tutorials on net, the are some requirement for rooting. Especially for my tutorials about superuser access rooting. I do it with my first generation kindle tablet.

Step by Step Kindle Fire Rooting Tutorials

- First, you must Download the kindle fire utility from ( currently in use at the time of trial version 0.9.6 ). This software is a must, because we need it to root kindle fire xda too.

- Once the file is successfully downloaded, you extract and run the files install_drivers. When this file running, make sure the tablet device is not connected to the computer. The Kindle fire data cable connection is identical with the USB cable of blackberry.

- After finish installing the driver, you must connect the Kindle Fire to the computer and run the file download folder that has been extracted. Check the status of ADB, if his statement had been correct and Online, then it means to go to the next stage, but if still offline, there are still problems. When I first installed the sony notebook using windows vista operating system, the ADB is always in Offline state, and then try to replace it in another notebook ( Compaq with Windows 7 Professional Operating System ) and finally managed to make the status to Online. It's the printscreen while it still offline :

root kindle fire tutorials images | computer world, computer networking, programming languages, mobile phone, open source software, tech news, tutorials, optimization problems, troubleshoot | kartolo cyber center

Based on my friends device, it's the same problem for root the kindlefire hd or the 1st generation. Now we move to the next stage.

- Select No. 2 and press enter. In this stage will run multiple processes and from there, the download process will run automatically, so make sure this process is executed with a good internet connection until the end.

- Up to this stage our kindle fire has been rooted with superuser access.

Tha's all i can give for now. I'm still not a pros in kindle troubleshooting. Because the device i root is belong to my friend too. Very different from my previous post about how to root samsung galaxy young. Allright, just feel free to ask us about mobile phone. We will post another tutorials in the next post. Thanks :)
Kindle Fire Root & Troubleshooting with Superuser | KartoloCyber | 5


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