Write an Online Personal Ad

Online personal ads can be a terrific way to attract potential soul mates. Write an ad that's candid, creative and eye-catching. Then be ready to screen those who respond.
Identify the Web site or the area on your online service where you intend to place your ad. Decide whether you are willing to pay a membership fee to a matchmaking service.

Read lots of personal ads on the chosen site. Make notes about the features of the best ads and the ones that turn you off.

Make a list of the traits and interests that make you unique.

List the qualities you seek in a romantic partner.

Write a draft of the ad, incorporating your key characteristics and the profile of the type of person you hope to find.

Represent yourself and your preferences accurately.

Show the ad to a couple of close friends, one of each gender. Get their feedback on the ad's effectiveness.

Rewrite the ad to make it clear and enticing.

Post your ad on a site that will attract the sort of people you want to meet and wait for the responses to pour in.

Write an Online Personal Ad | KartoloCyber | 5