Change ISPs

You may want to change ISPs if you are dissatisfied with your current provider's cost, features, speed, technical support or other qualities. Or you might just want to explore different online options or check out "free month" deals.

Once you've selected a new Internet service provider (ISP), contact the company and obtain any necessary software or other information about signing up.

Contact your current ISP and find out how to terminate your service. Follow the instructions to discontinue your account.

Uninstall and delete the software related to your current ISP. The software may have its own uninstall utility built in.

Use the Add/Remove Programs utility in the control panel to manually uninstall software on a PC.

To manually uninstall applications on a Macintosh, run the software's installer again and look for a Custom Remove option. Or drag the application icon and any extensions it installed (if you remember them) to the Trash, then select Empty Trash from the Special menu.

Follow your new ISP's instructions to install any software it may have provided.

Contact your new ISP and follow instructions to activate your new account.

Change ISPs | KartoloCyber | 5


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